

This chapter formally introduces the concepts and terminology for the user interface (UI) of the Graphite editor. You may skip to the next chapter if you're familiar with the general layout and terms used in industry-standard graphics editors.

Title bar

The bar running across the top of the editor is called the title bar. In the (forthcoming) desktop release of Graphite, this acts as the draggable window frame.

The title bar

On the left, the menu bar provides quick access to many editor, document, and artwork related controls. Its functions are covered in detail on the next page.

The menu bar

Document title

In the center, the document title displays the name of the active document. That name is given a * suffix if the file has unsaved changes. For example, Painting.graphite* would be unsaved but Painting.graphite would have no changes following its last save.

The document title

Window buttons

On the right, the window buttons provide platform-specific controls for the application.


A button to enter fullscreen mode is displayed.

The label "Go fullscreen to access all hotkeys" indicates that some shortcut keys like CtrlN (macOS: N) are reserved by the web browser and can only be used in fullscreen mode. (An alternative to going fullscreen: include Alt in the shortcut combinations for browser-reserved hotkeys.)

Fullscreen button


The workspace is the editor's main content area, filled with panels arranged next to one another. The gutter lines, located between neighboring panels, may be dragged to resize them.

The workspace


Panels are regions of the UI dedicated to a specific purpose. Document, Properties, and Layers are presently the three panel types.

Each panel name is shown in its panel header. Panel tabs offer a quick way to swap between multiple panels occupying the same area (currently only documents support this).

Down the road, these tabs will be dockable so the default layout may be customized.

Beneath the panel header, the panel content displays the content for its panel type. Each will be described in the following pages.

Status bar

The bar running across the bottom of the editor is called the status bar.

Status bar

Input hints

The input hints are presently the only occupant of the status bar. They indicate what common keyboard and mouse inputs are valid in the current context. Hints change with each active tool as well as with the current interaction state. Keep a frequent eye on the hints to discover more features as you work.

Hints with a + mean that adding the indicated modifier key will change the base action. For example: in the following action, dragging with left-click held down will zoom the canvas; then additionally holding the Ctrl key will make the zoom action snap to whole increments.

Example hint

Hints with a / mean that either indicated input combination can be used to trigger the same action. For example: in the following action, either holding the space bar while dragging with the left mouse button held down, or just dragging with the middle mouse button held down, will both pan around the document in the viewport.

Example hint

The following chart describes each icon representing the mouse inputs you can perform so a hint's prescribed action occurs.

Drag icon
Mouse kept stationary icon
Left click icon
Left click
Left click drag icon
Left click drag
Left double-click icon
Left double-click
Right click icon
Right click
Right click drag icon
Right click drag
Right double-click icon
Right double-click
Middle click icon
Middle click
Middle click drag icon
Middle click drag
Scroll up/down icons
Scroll up/down